9 Interesting things I found while relearning Html

9 Interesting things I found while relearning Html

I have been recently re learning html after doing 2 or 2 html css projects to concrete my grasp and here are some fascinating things I learned

Importance of Indentations

While making bigger projects without using proper indentation i realised how clumsy everything became and how hard it was to manage different elements .For a complete beginner indentation might seem bothersome and unnecessary but trust me it makes applying css so much easier and clearer. So better pay attention to indentations.

pre TAG

pre tag is similar to p tag except that it displays text in preformatted manner i.e. all the line breaks and spaces are displayed in same manner as in original text. So no more need to use br and other similar tags with p tags because we can just use pre tag

Semantic elements

A semantic element is an element which has some meaning which can be easily learn from its name . For example <article> for writing a paragraphs <figure>to apply some sort of figure <nav> for navigation bar While non semantic elements can do the same thing and we would not have to learn all different tag names semantic element make redablity for user or other programer easier.


Iframe = inclined frame Iframe is used to embed another documents like pdf files,videos , websites , advertisements and many more on your webpage. It provides plethora of uses and opportunities to designer.


Adding emoji in html is very simple just put emoji code and its done For example for angry face just type &#128544 in line where you want to put emoji .I glossed over it last time learning , a big mistake considering how frequently emojis are used in modern times. On the other hand applying special symbols is a bit harder.

Data list

Well if you need an input from and user you should be providing pre defined options to user to save their time and that's where data list comes in. It provides user a drop down list of predefined options when they are entering data.

Search Engine Optimization

You would want your website to be easily accessible by search engine so that you can hook more viewers. Different things are used for this. For example <TITLE> <header>``<img alt="">and <strong>makes your webpage easy to understand for and search engine so that it can display it in results when user searches for things related to your webpage.


Another important thing i overlooked was favicon. It is a logo applied in browser tabs for branding and aesthetic purposes. I can not think of a single site that does not use a favicon (Yes! they are that much popular)

HTML validation

HTML does not display errors. So an html validator can be used to check for syntax errors in code and can help you by teaching the correct practices.